Friday, February 21, 2014

Victory in the Garden

Victory Garden - 2013

Finally! Victory in the garden. I had done it. After some time of being unsuccessful, I grew not one thing, not two, but 8 garden beauties. I grew 2 types of Tomatoes, Basil, Oregano, Pumpkins, Hungarian peppers, Jalapenos & 1 little Cabbage. This is my post on what I went through trying to grow a garden and my need for earning my vintage gardening patch.
I had many reasons as to why I wanted my own 'Victory Garden' brought back memories of gardening in California as a child with my grandmother, an excuse to buy vintage gardening hats, new place to take pics, gardening is relaxing, teaching my kids about fresh produce, saving money, possibly even canning for winter, all good reasons. Personally I felt that growing a successful garden would somehow earn me a "Vintage gal gardening patch". Little did I know that was a long ways away....
First area I picked was behind my garage & very small. I don't know what I intended to grow in such a small spot, but I had refused to ruin the openness of my large backyard. When I began digging I found just about every little thing that could be found in the backyard. My neighbor pointed out that the previous owner was a junk collector and tossed his trash in the backyard. Nothing grew! Too junky. That patch is now our dog run. 
Second area was all the way back of my yard. I dug it, used an old window screen to thoroughly clean the soil. My neighbor suggested I cut down some branches for more sunlight, but I felt guilty cutting into my beautiful big trees. Okay, my neighbor was right. Nothing grew! Not enough sun. This is now my firewood area.
Third area. Third time a charm? No! Too muddy. This is now my compost area.
Fourth area. I can't even remember why it didn't work. After this last try I just concentrated on planting flowers in my front yard. Hostas, what a confidence booster they are. Wow can they grow!
I'm a vintage gal in every other way, clothing, cooking, sewing, decorating and every time I wore or made something I felt I was earning a patch in vintage accomplishments. As a Girl Scout dropout I knew the importance of badges, after all I'd earned 4 or more like 3 before I left. This gardening patch was tougher to earn than I thought and the "I can do it" attitude was waning.
A couple years went by and my neighbor had been moved into a nursing home. New neighbors moved in and they began digging their garden. Gardens to the left of me, gardens to the right of me. My competitive nature came out and I thought there's no way I can let myself be the only one without a proper garden.The new neighbors unknowingly gave me a push to try again and so I did. I took what I learned from the previous tries and I went for it. Again.
First - I realized that having a big beautiful garden wouldn't ruin my spacious yard, but would add to it. 
Second - I finally had enough sunlight. Due to past storms, we had lost some trees. No guilt in cutting them down.
Third -  I built a proper fence, something I hadn't tried before. I asked the hubs to let me do it myself after we both realized, that his center mark is different from mine when measuring for a garden fence.
When I had finished digging, screening, building, decorating and finally planting, I waited & waited anxiously for the first sprout to come through. It was tough, but somehow I knew I would have something this time. I just knew & I did!  Seeing the tiny little red tomato hanging on the vine felt incredible. My family was proud of me and I was proud of me. I had done it!!
Thanks to the support of my family, friends, neighbors tips and vintage gal motto 'We Can do it'! I did. I had earned my vintage gal "Victory Garden patch" and it was real. I got one every time I picked off the vines in my new garden and they were delicious.

Hungarian wax peppers

Plum tomatoes

Good harvest

A picture before I finished the entry door.

I found two vintage gate doors & chair for decoration.

In the background is my first garden a dog run.

A not so ripe Pear

My very first Tomato.

Homemade pasta sauce