Wednesday, January 15, 2014

First year review

Well, it's been a year since I began writing my blog and even though I knew it wasn't going to be easy and it wasn't, I still went ahead with it. My family and friends pushed me to start blogging and even though I had no computer skills at all, I was curious to see if I could do it. Then I read about Pinterest, Instagram, Gmails and everything else that went along with blogging and I worried some more. Was it a bad idea? Maybe, but I wanted to learn something new and maybe this older Hispanic vintage gal could bring a little something to the blogger world., and so began every vintage gals chant "Yes, we can", maybe.

The "Maybe this was a bad idea" moments.
  • The first time I opened Blogger, I realized how little I knew about computers & what I little I knew was not going to be enough. It truly wasn't as easy as changing my music on my old MP3, so said the little voice in my head(I have an iPhone now. Wow, those skinny little things hold a ton of music). I had stayed away from many modern items and the computer was one of them, but I never thought that I would try to enter the blogging world. It took months before I could download my pictures or even post something without my yelling for my husband or daughter for help. I was afraid of hitting the wrong button and destroying some important file.
  • I learned that my thoughts didn't easily translate to what I wrote. My finger was constantly hitting delete, write, delete and write again....Delete! I spent so much time trying to get the perfect blog post, that I ended up with no posts. I'm surprised I posted anything at all. A whole year, less than forty posts and the reason some of those made it..I ended with stitches after hurting my finger when moving firewood I had just chopped. No delete button!
  • It felt like a bad idea when half the year had gone by and I had not added any blogging buttons, no daily posts, or tutorials. I froze, chills every time I sat before my computer. I even drank a glass of Champagne to loosen up, another glass, then for some reason the bottle was empty. Tiny bottles.

The "I can do it"  moments.
  • I needed a photographer & it ended being my 11 year old daughter. We not only found out that she liked taking photos, but she was great and calmed my nerves about how I looked in the photos. We've had some funny almost falling over a log as I backed up or she almost ending in the pond looking for the right angle. I don't fear the camera anymore just falling.
  • I learned that I have a great support system. My family & friends listened when I need to vent about computers. The owners of the shops I frequent, were always read to help out with anything I needed and offered any advice on any topic they could.
  • I learned that I can do it when one night I stayed up late to write a post and the tried to link it. No one was up at 3am, so I went for it and...I threw my arms up in the air. Yay! I had done it all on my own, not once or twice, but five times. 
  • I can do it! When my link helped my Facebook page go up to 20 likes, strangely enough my blog stayed at 5. Add them together and that's pretty cool.

Well, there you have it, my own review on the first year of my blog. I know it needs work and having less than 40 posts in a whole year is not much, but it's more than I thought I would have. This blog may not have the best this or that, it's not perfect and neither am I. As someone that takes things out of the trash and sees some beauty in it to repurpose, it's because I look beyond it and see it's imperfections, the crooked lines or the odd way it feels, but it's an original. There is probably not another one like it and how cool is that. This something that I have to learn to apply to my blogging.
My blog is odd, quirky, strange, missing cute little buttons and pretty little background, but I will get there. Can I do it? Yes, she can!