Monday, June 2, 2014

That cute little shop

If you have read my Blog, viewed my Facebook page or taken a peek at my Pinterest, you have probably noticed that I have mention a certain shop many, many times... TresYours  Vintage Corner. It has been my favorite place to shop ever since I have set eyes on it. It has been there for me and my blog when I have needed a dress here or hat there for a special event, photos or just for fun.
How did I come to find TresYours? Simple, my daughter had mentioned it to me sometime ago when she happened to come across it at while exploring the new neighborhood she had recently moved into. She knew I was looking for a place to buy vintage clothing and thought I would be interested.
At the time, I was in my last week of over 10 years of employment as the lead merchandiser in a large department store in the mall.  The only thing after all those years, I would miss would be setting up visual displays on the tables, walls and mannequins with the merchandise to display the latest trends. These were tasks that I really enjoyed and excuse me for saying, but over the years I had become quite good at it, but it was time to move on.
As my last week was getting nearer I wanted to start rebuilding my vintage wardrobe and finally be rid of my all black modern work clothes. Working in that department store 24/7 meant that I could never put my hair up in a nice victory roll for fear of that dreaded call and then having to wash it out. I was not allowed to wear any of what little I did own that was vintage. True, I would sneak in a brooch her or a scarf there, but a wearing a full on vintage outfit was frowned upon. Yet, I knew that once I had quit I would mostly definitely be dressed from head to toe in vintage and hopefully TresYours Vintage Corner would  have a hand in it.
When I finally left my job I made a visit to Roscoe Antique Mall & I couldn't believe my eyes. This place was huge, filled to the brim with lovely antiques and it was nice to see them, but I wanted to find the clothes. Finally, tucked away in the back corner was everything I could possibly need for my vintage wardrobe. It was just like the shops I would read about in my favorite vintage blogs, but it was here for me to shop and play dress up to my heart's delight. This was definitely the type of mall I vintage merchandising gal could really get into!
After many visits to Roscoe Antique Mall and TresYours I have become friends with Peggy the owner of TresYours, as well as the owners of the mall and the rest of the associates. They have always been kind and have never made me feel uncomfortable for the way I dress. They accepted me just as I am. They are one of the reasons why I believe in supporting small businesses.
It occurred to me one day, that as many times as I have been there that I didn't know that much about it, so I decided to have a quick Q & A with owner of TresYours, Peggy.

When did you first open?
 I opened at the Roscoe Antique Mall in 2004, but I have been selling Vintage clothing since 1998.

Why did you choose the Roscoe Antique Mall?
I was at East State Antique Mall and they were going out of business. My friend Allie told me about Roscoe Antique Mall, so I went up there to talk with them. I was so impressed over how clean the mall was, but more impressed with the fact that the owners were so nice. They had just lost their Vintage Clothing dealer and were happy to welcome me into the mall.

Where does the name 'TresYours Vintage Corner' come from?
I wanted a unique name, something people would remember. Since my email name was mtntresure, I thought TresYours was sort of chic and Vintage Corner came from the fact that my booth is located in the back corner of the mall.

What was your best vintage find?
I have two best Vintage finds one was a darling red 1950’s Suzy Perette pencil dress and the other was a 1940’s Ceil Chapman evening gown. Both were just amazing pieces, but of course both were to small for me or they would have been mine forever.

Why do you sell vintage?
When I first started selling someone told me that I needed to pick a category and stick with it. Since I have always been a fashion Diva and have always loved certain eras of fashion, I decided Vintage clothing was my calling.

What era do you think sells better?
1940’s has always sold very well, but it’s becoming more and more difficult to find. I do sell a lot of 1950’s, but the 40’s do sell better.

What era is your favorite?
To pick what Era is my favorite is hard, because I love it all! I love the glamour of the 1940’s. Evening wear was so elegant. Suits were tailored and well made and lasted for years. I love how the dresses silhouetted the body. The 1950’s brought on the femininity and romance with the nipped in waistlines and full circle skirting on the beautiful gowns. Being a child of the 60’s I love the mini dresses and skirts. Not to forget the hip hugging bell bottom pants and bright colored abstract prints.

Do you wear what you sell?
Yes, I wear vintage on special occasions, weddings mostly. For everyday I’m a basic jeans and t-shirt person, but I love dressing up for those special occasions. 

And finally,  besides the mall. Where else can someone buy your vintage items?
I sell at the Cat’s Pajama’s Vintage Clothing and Textile show 2x's a year and sell on Ebay. Ebay is mostly dedicated to Vintage Wedding gowns and Vintage designer clothing.

Thank You to Peggy owner of TresYours Vintage Corner for taking the time to answer my questions for this post. Thank you for supporting my vintage habit, taking the time to search for items on my wish list and for putting up with my indecisiveness of my constantly walking away from something, only to have me message you as soon as I get home in a panic and that I have to have it!
Thank you to everyone at the Roscoe Antique Mall for all your support and for allowing me to take pictures for my blog.

And now for a peek into TresYours Vintage Corner.....





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