Monday, July 8, 2013

Hot Stuff

Hot Stuff
I enjoy and follow many Vintage blogs and some of them  happen to be written by younger gals. Their posts about clothes, furnishings and cooking tips are things I can relate to despite our age difference. Even when they post about their husbands and young children I understand where they are coming from, still there is a difference. When I see them posing in the sunlight dressed in layers of petticoats or a wool suit, I think "How are they not fainting in all those layers"? Bingo! There's the difference. I have been dealing with Hot Flashes for over a year and it's become a bit of an obstacle in my vintage life. It's taken the joy out of wearing a complete outfit and taking my photos. OK, truth be told, I've never felt comfortable in front of the camera, but this added pressure isn't helping.
My personal goal is to be as authentic as I can be in my choice of vintage clothing. I like wearing the girdles, stockings, gloves, all of it. Unfortunately, in doing so those extra layers mixed with bits of hell have me clawing at my pearls, yanking off my slip and using my hat to fan myself completely ruining my look. I hate feeling weighed down by my vintage clothes and feeling the dread of a warm day as it narrows down my choices in outfits. All I want is to lay in front of the air conditioner and not move a muscle.
As any vintage gal knows it can take awhile to get the look just right or at least it does me, but it's fun. I enjoy listening to music from the era that goes with the outfit I've chosen for the day. I love the sound of a side zip, a spritz of perfume then topping it of with a gorgeous hat before walking out the door. It's the most fun..correction ..It was fun.
I am an older gal of 41, 43, 45? I never remember, but it's up there. It doesn't bother me to be a Vintage-vintage gal, I wear my badge proudly. Yet, you'd think that after years of heavy periods, cramps, bloating, childbirth(yes, it's a beautiful thing & you do get a baby prize, but there's still pain) it would be an easy road ahead. Not with my hormones still feeling the need to wage battle on me.
At first your fine with a little heat, annoyance comes next when it catches you at the wrong time, then anger as you start feeling chained to the air conditioner. The last emotion is exactly where I am at this very moment-acceptance mixed with bits of crazed laughter! You learn to just deal with it and try to find something funny about it or  it will beat you into a wilted pile of very fashionable vintage clothing.
My day to day - I start with a cold shower and a quick application of makeup base while wearing my slip. I then apply my setting lotion, curl, pin, spritz & it comes. I begin to feel warmth on my upper arms and chest, my cheeks begin to blush, perspiration collects on anything that's touching me. My heart starts racing and I now have the strength to push anything out of the way to get to cold air. My forehead has an army of sweat beads ready to attack my makeup. Damn there goes the curl as I let go of it to stand over the air conditioner that's on high, but feels like child's paper fan. The hot flash is now on full power, my face is red, the top of my head is on fire, hair clinging to my face, sweat trickling down my back, and no matter how I try I cannot sweat in a lady like manner. Somehow I have gone from feeling like a vintage seductress in my slinky slip to sweaty clown with drippy makeup.
I grab a washcloth, remove my makeup and jump in the shower again. I stand over the air conditioner and begin again freshening my pin curls. Wait! here comes another hot flash and I begin wondering if it will be a small one that lasts a couple of seconds affecting only my arms, cheeks, or forehead. Will it be a large one that lasts more than ten minutes affecting my entire upper half.  A happy sigh of relief, it's only my cheeks... Here we go!
Proceed dressing-
Undergarments..still feeling cool, no H.F.
Stockings..Wait! check weather channel..high in the 80's...Screw the stockings!!
Dress in a light cotton dress. Is it see thru? No! I fling the slip on the bed. Adios silky softness.
Makeup..light base, eyebrows, eye..shadow. Damn! I'm in the tropics. I grab anything I can to fan myself, No, not my collectors edition record album, ah yes, my latest issue of Flea Market magazine. H.F over.
Eyeshadow, eyeliner, blush(seriously?) and lips. Done. If I could I'd spritz setting lotion to my face.
Pull out pins, fix curls into a style that's off my neck.
Grab purse, shoes, gloves(no too hot, thank goodness I did my nails). Pearls? No, brooch would be better. Final spritz, lip touch up...Yes! Ladies, I have done it. I head towards my car and hope that wherever I am going it will have the largest and most amazing air conditioner.

Hot Flash Survival tips
  • Wear light breathable dresses. I like 100% cotton or Silk
  • If you can't find summer vintage, sew a dress in modern airy fabric using a vintage pattern
  • Add underarm pads that are easily removed.
  • Wear a wide brimmed hat, use an ornate hand fan or use a cute parasol to block sun.
  • Wear hair up or use a snood
  • Light makeup coverage
  • Switch vintage eras just for the summer:
  • 1930's long hemlines = 1950's summer dress
  • 1940's dress suit = 1920's flapper dress with rolled stockings 
  • 1960's polyester dress = 1970's flowing bohemian dress
  • Try anything that makes you comfortable, 1950's Romper, 1940's wide leg pants or even a 1800's Empire waist dress. 
  • Skip crinolines, stockings, girdles, gloves, anything you might need to feel comfortable. Don't worry the vintage police won't come around and ticket you.